Carol Caldwell
Author of Historical Romance, Suspense, Time-travel & Children's Picture Books

Historical Romance
ISBN 978-1548276867
Winds of Fire
Skirmishes between the Army and the Seminole Indians near St. Augustine, Florida continue in 1837, though less frequently. To remedy the problem, the government offers to relocate the Indians. Some, weary from years of fighting, accept the offer. Others pledge to remain in Florida.
Megan Traynor—independent, strong-willed and as fiery as her amber-colored eyes—is determined to help her friend Osceola and his followers. A secret passageway in her plantation home offers temporary sanctuary until it is safe to flee to the Everglades. She vows not to let anyone stand in her way.
Captain Stephen Savant—obstinate, commanding and unyielding to reason—is charged with rounding up all Indians for processing to Indian Territory. This assignment is not merely duty for him: it is sweet revenge for an Indian attack in which he lost his wife and unborn child. He vows not to let anyone stand in his way.
Their paths cross when Megan fails to rescue Osceola from his prison cell at Fort Marion, and she escapes. As Stephen attempts to prove she is helping the Indians, their physical attraction grows to love. It takes a tragedy to remind them good and evil exist in all peoples.
Watch for River Spirit - Coming Soon
A historical mystery set in Natchez, Mississippi in 1885
Copyright 2024 Carol Caldwell All rights reserved.